I'm going to bed tonight with a full and grateful heart. Tonight, I and my roommate ran a 5K race at Brookgreen Gardens. I actually got a time (36:52) close to my PR! It's been almost 3 years since I ran a race and there have been some dark times in those 3 years. I don't know if I can say that I'm totally on the other side of the valley, but I'm almost there. As much as I hate running while I'm actually doing it, there's something to be said for the sense of accomplishment I feel when crossing the finish line. But the thing that makes it the most special is hearing the cheers and seeing the smiles of the people I love and cherish. Knowing that they are proud of me and that they support the hard work I put into it makes it so much more fulfilling. So to Mom, Dad, Robbie, Lisa, Hannah, Joshie, Nicole, Holly, and Jenn...thank you. I love you all and am so appreciative of how you support me. I don't take it for granted.
my roomie and me after the race (obvs, why else would our faces be this red?)

me and my sweet fam

Dad was gonna push me around if I needed it...

oh, and the shell was from Hannah - I consider it my "medal"
Holly and Jenn planned to hold these at the finish line, but they ran into a little snafu with the gate being locked...so they put the posters on the car!