Saturday, October 17, 2009

Daniel Fast Day 2

So here's what I've eaten today:

natural peanut butter and bananas on Ezekiel bread
unsweetened applesauce
unsweetened soy milk (actually not that bad)

natural peanut butter and applesauce sandwich using Ezekiel bread
peanuts/brazil nuts/raisins

pinto beans, green beans with onion, and potatoes with seasonings
V8 Fruit Juice

2 rice cakes with natural peanut butter and honey

I made some chips using whole wheat tortillas, olive oil, sea salt, and fiesta seasoning. I can eat them as a snack with some organic salsa. I'll try that tomorrow or Monday. I spent the majority of my evening making some breakfast granola bars and dang it, they are disgusting. But I'm GOING to eat them because I spent so much time on them! I feel like all I do is get food prepared and cooked, and it's soooo much work. But while I was on my way to Lowe's Foods today, I realized that there is an important lesson for me to glean from this: waiting. Just as I have to take time to prepare my food - clean it, cut it up, cook it, cool it, etc. - God takes time to prepare us for seasons in our lives. What we may view as "waiting" or "wasted time", God views as an opportunity to mold us, shape us, make us holier. Without that time of preparation, my food would be nasty and not taste as good. And without some times of waiting, we can't really know God's grace and blessings when they are in front of us. I read an article by Candice Watters that served as a great reminder:

"...when we wait patiently for what we long for — and what we're longing for conforms to God's design — God uses the waiting to align our desires with His and refine us in the process."

Please, let me be honest with you. I by no means have understood this truth with my heart. Right now, I am choosing to believe it with my mind until my heart can grasp it. And while I'm on the honesty kick, I'm already struggling with this fast. It's hard. So if you think about it, please pray for God's strength for me. I want to do this!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Melody. I know you're struggling but it sounds like God is really giving you application for this fast. And know this, God is pleased with your sacrifice! He knows how much you miss regular food, and each time you chose not to eat it, you are choosing to be obedient to Him! :)
    Thanks for the quote too, that's good stuff!

