Wednesday, July 29, 2009

intrinsic motivation and chiastic structure

I've been doing a lot of learning this summer.

For part of the month of July, I've been taking a graduate level course at Coastal. In order to get my recertification in teaching, which is required every 5 years, I have to take at least one college course. I'm not getting my master's yet, but if I wanted to do that down the road, this course would be included. So I figured it's good to have it just in case! This is an online course, so I didn't have to go to any class meetings, but it's still a lot of work. I like the overall learning that I get from it, and it gives me great ideas, BUT...I feel like I would get more out of it if I could sit with a friend and talk about what I learn, rather than try to word it into formal sentences that "sound good." You know what I mean? I did discover that since I've left college, there are now little citation generators on the web: you just type in the information and it gives you the correct MLA or APA documentation for your bibliography. No fair!

I've also been learning from the bible study that my lifegroup is doing: Esther by Beth Moore. Lemme tell you, this woman don't play. I've come to love the teaching of Beth Moore so much. She leads us through the story and helps us to savor each moment and learn from each character. If I read a book of the Bible by myself, I tend to rush through it. She encourages us to almost take it word by word, so I can squeeze as much wisdom out of it as possible. That's what God's word is for, right? To be cherished, studied, considered, learned from. The original language is so rich and we miss a lot of that if we don't slow down. She not only teaches us biblical principles, but also literary principles, like chiastic structure. I would tell you to google it, but honestly I think it's easier to understand if you have someone explain it to you in person. I sometimes have to catch myself from idolizing Beth, because she is such an incredible teacher. I'd consider her a modern-day Paul. If you ever have the chance to do any studies by her, DO IT! You will learn so much and will draw closer to God because of it.


  1. I enjoy Beth Moore too! I see that you follow her blog so I won't suggest that...:) Love ya!

  2. Yea for post #2! I agree about the online classes ... thought my program was great, but I learn so much more from discussion. I need to do a Beth Moore study ... might go pick one up in the next few days. Is there one that you would recommend starting with? (If you were to do it as an individual?)

